Robert H. Lieberman
Robert H. Lieberman is a best-selling novelist and film director. He is also a longtime member of the Physics faculty at Cornell University.
Mr. Lieberman has six published novels, his newest is The Boys Of Truxton.
His previous films, Angkor Awakens & They Call It Myanmar, were each named New York Times Critics' Picks and They Call It Myanmar was named one of the top dozen documentaries of 2012 by Roger Ebert.
Angkor Awakens (A snapshot of Cambodia emerging from post-Khmer Rouge trauma)
They Call It Myanmar (Documentary feat. Aung San Suu Kyi)
Last Stop Kew Gardens (American children of Holocaust survivors)
Faces In A Famine (PBS film covering 1985 Ethiopian famine)
BoyceBall (Film depicting the creation of an original ballet)
Green Lights (Comedy)
Twitter: @BobLieberman
Web: Robert H. Lieberman
Deborah C. Hoard
Deborah C. Hoard has been a producer and director at PhotoSynthesis Productions for 25 years. With a strong focus on social justice, her work has won more than 100 international and national media awards.
Deborah was co-producer of They Call it Myanmar: Lifting the Curtain, which the late Roger Ebert called “a thing of beauty… a documentary with all the virtues of a great feature film.”
CIVIL WARRIORS, her most recent film, explores the experiences of 2 black families from upstate New York whose men enlisted in the U.S. Colored Troops and fought in the Civil War.
Her recent documentary RE:THINKING asks the question, “What if we taught students HOW to think instead of WHAT to think?” The film shows the powerful, positive change that occurs when teachers and students work together to build knowledge instead of simply memorizing information.
David Kossack
David Kossack is a graduate of Ithaca College’s Park School of Communications. Since joining PhotoSynthesis Productions he has worked as an editor and videographer on numerous PSP projects, including editing the award-winning documentary They Call it Myanmar: Lifting the Curtain.
David is also actively involved with The Actor’s Workshop of Ithaca where he teaches acting and has directed several stage productions for the Workshop’s theater company.
Norm Scott
Sound Design & Motion Graphics
Norm Scott got his first tape recorder at the age of five, and has been recording and archiving sound ever since. He likes robots and inventing essential new gadgets with no discernible purpose.
Camilo Nascimento
Camilo Nascimento loves to draw. As a graduate of The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, he enjoys fusing traditional art-making methods with new digital media. Under studio title “Camilo Graphics” based in Ithaca, NY, he provides custom design services to clients worldwide.
PhotoSynthesis Productions © 2023